Alexandra Rose Hotz,

Artist, Scholar, Traveler,
& Crossword Enthusiast

A passionate performer, learner, adventurer, and lover of all-things NYT Games, Alexandra brings her spunk, attention to detail, and artistry to every project she’s involved in.

Keep Up with Alexandra

  • "Hotz's performance was, in a word, profound."

    Voice Magazine Santa Barbara

  • "After a stunned silence, listeners responded with resounding applause."

    Voice Magazine Santa Barbara

  • "riveting and clear"

    Voice Magazine Santa Barbara

  • "Alexandra Hotz captivated hearts with romantic flair."

    Seen and Heard International

  • "[sung with] impeccable pronunciation, radiance and range"

    Seen and Heard International

Contact Alexandra

Interested in learning more about me, taking a voice lesson, or hiring me for a performance? Fill out this form and I’ll get back to you!